Green Seattle Partnership

We think that a great city can balance urban life with nature, and we want Seattle to stay healthy and green for generations to come. The Green Seattle Partnership is a collaborative effort between the City of Seattle, Forterra, and an amazing community of partners working together to create a sustainable network of healthy forested parkland throughout Seattle, supported by an aware, engaged public.

Our parks give us so much, but they need our help too. The Green Seattle Partnership coordinates restoration projects to care for our urban forest and bring people into the parks to build community through hands-on volunteerism. The Partnership was started in 2004 to respond to a critical threat facing the City’s forested parks. Without intervention, we risked losing 70% of the tree cover in our parks in just 20 years. With thousands of volunteers getting involved every year, dedicated staff with City agencies and partners, and professional crews to help out on our toughest sites, we are making great strides, but the work is far from done. Join us!

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