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Alki PTA Adopt-A-Street Cleanup: Be an Alki Eco-Hero

Have you heard the news?!.... ALKI PTA HAS "ADOPTED" 59th AVENUE! Alki Eco-Heroes is a Call to Action to celebrate and protect the connectivity of our ecosystem. We are beautifying our neighborhood and strengthening our community with our bi-monthly commitment to clean our school's campus and street, in partnership with City of Seattle Adopt-A-Street and Adopt-A-Storm Drain.

Alki Eco-Heroes is a new PTA environmental stewardship project to inspire pride in our community, leadership in our youth, and empowerment in ourselves and each other that we can and should make a difference.

More info & RSVP

October 23

First Hill Autumn Cleanup

October 30

A Cleaner Alki (By and By) Weekly Cleanup